Karısı, Nuh ve Būyūk Oğul
Kahta Çayı Çok Katlı Mağara Yerleşimi Íç Mekan Duvar Resmi



Hz. Nuhun Karısının Gamzesinde Gõsterilmiş kendisinin, Nuhun gençlik resimleri ve ūç çocuğu;
Nuhun karısında çene hızması, çocuğunda burun ile būtūnleşik ağız hızması resmi.
-Kahta Çayı Kanyonu Mağara Bõlgesi Dış Yūzeyinden
'Tufanda Gemi' Gõvdesi ile Būtūnleşik Çizilmiş Hz. Nuh ve Karısının Resmi
(Alt Sınır M.Õ. 10.000. Yıl-Paleolitik Dõnem)
-Samsat-Belõren Kaya/,Duvar Tablosundan


Ūç sap pirinç başağı
Nuhun karısının başlık resmi ūzerine işlenmiş
Kahta Çayı Kanyonu

Hz. Nuh, Karısı ve Ūç Oğlunun kaya kabartması resmi
(Kahta Çayı Kanyonu Çok Katlı Mağaralar)




The rock wall drawings and multi-storey caves that can be dated to the Paleolithic period, which were found by fishermen and villagers in Adıyaman Samsat Belören and Kahta Stream canyon in 2018 and 2019, are related to each other and seem to be candidates to move Adıyaman and Turkey to the center of the world. Therefore, I invite archaeologists to investigate and examine these two new discoveries together with their connections.


The cave settlement in the Kahta Stream canyon is stylized in the Belören rock drawings. The drawings on rice and the female and male figures depicting the opposite are symbols that share the two areas. The rock drawings that appear are in two tables.In one of the paintings, a figure's tomb is shown with two- and three-dimensional drawings;The burial of the figure is shown in a closed area in the double diagram; In the three-dimensional drawing, the burial is shown inside the ship and covered with stones. The pile of stones used for the cover is also pictured. The second table is divided into seven regions with lines and borders.


Upper Region;Around the ship and the ship in the rough sea. Large and small fish are pictured. Central Region;(From left to right)In the first part, the hunting scene with bow and arrow, spear and hunting dogs is depicted. At the end of the same scene, the wheat harvest is depicted in the field or wild field with the snake (nimrod viper) in it.The second part is in the form of a narrow strip. A vulture with a bone in its mouth and a wolf are depicted below it.


In the middle lower region, the flood is pictured. In the rough sea, the ship is shown with huge fish of various kinds. The picture of Noah and his wife is depicted as a reciprocal one with the ark. In the Middle End region, the ship on land, the sea and land creatures accompanying it, the covering of the ship with stones and the appearance of the ship in a gigantic tumulus are depicted. In the same region, rice cultivation is depicted in the cultivated land by the stream.


Sub-Zone(From left to rightupside)Two and three dimensional ship images on the rocky area, a selected area that we can interpret as an agricultural area,Noah's burial, burial in the ship, the tumulus and the burial at the bottom and the cave settlement on the far right are shown. At the bottom, the double-headed turtle, smack fish and sea caterpillars are depicted.  As a philosopher, I share the results of research and research with the public through you, and I invite local and foreign field experts to the field to improve this discovery. 

You can find the video of the English version of the interview I gave to the national media organizations operating in Turkey regarding the discovery in question at the link below. You can also request more detailed information from us via the following communication channels and my website. Thanks for your interest...



Statements from the scientist that will rewrite history

Commenting on the underwater rock paintings, Prof. Dr. Kemal Duruhan made surprising statements about the connection of Noah's Ark with Mount Nemrut and the Kahta Stream Caves. "Noah's ark is under the tumulus" - "The world's first village is the cave in Kahta Stream" - "Noah's Flood and the location of the ark are shown in the rock paintings".


Interpreting the rock paintings belonging to the Paleolithic Period under the waters of Atatürk Dam, Prof. Dr. Kemal Duruhan made important statements that will surprise the scientific world about Noah's Flood and Noah's Ark. Explaining that the place where Noah's Flood and Noah's Ark is located in the rock paintings, Prof. Dr. Kemal Duruhan noted that the world's first village was the multi-storey Kahta Stream Caves.


Professor Dr. Kemal Duruhan, who is a lecturer at Malatya İnönü University and has a doctorate in Philosophy of Science, has made statements that will excite the scientific world and set a new direction for history. Examining the rock paintings of the Paleolithic Period in the Atatürk Dam Pond, located within the borders of Belveren village of Kahta district, which were discovered by chance by fishermen in 2018, and the multi-storey caves of Kahta Stream, Prof. Dr. Duruhan noted that the connection between the location of Noah's Ark and Mount Nemrut is indicated in the drawings on the rock paintings, and that the first village in the world is the multi-storey caves in Kahta Stream.


Prof. Dr. Kemal Duruhan used the following expressions in his interesting statement: “Kahta multi-storey caves are stylized paintings on the side of the dam. In the research we have done in the Kahta Stream caves, we have seen that the figures in these drawings are drawn in the same stylized way on the sculptures and wall reliefs on the outer wall surface. From here, we can say that the first village in the world was the caves in the Kahta Stream Canyon. Hz. Noah was in a flood at the age of 600. Let's say they stayed in the ship area for 20-30 years, then they went down and lived there and declared it as a living area.


11-12 ships are depicted in the rock paintings. Noah's Flood is described in some of these paintings. The ship in the picture, the underside of the ship is black, just as it is described in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an.

These pictures have male and female human faces. I say these

faces belong to Noah and his wife. It is clearly written in the Bible and the Torah that his wife got on the ship, and there is no data in the Qur'an that she did not board.


The ship was covered with stones inside the tumulus. It is clear from these stones that it is a tumulus. The ship is in a tumulus. The ship is shown in three floors and in the moonlight,. The burial of Noah in the ark is drawn. A reference is made in the Neorolomos Inscription about the Nemrut Tumulus. At one point it is said, "In fact, beyond all the paintings I have made, I have made a divine figure standing here to represent all the gods, so that he can see and appreciate the service I have done to the gods."


It is called the sacred vault. In fact, this tumulus is long before Nemrut, but we also see that this cult and culture was evaluated by Nemrut, and that he chose such a sacred place to evaluate his throne and royal family. I invite local and foreign archaeologists to the field to research and examine the field.”


Stating that it was not a situation that was discovered immediately, but that he made several investigations in a 5-month period, Duruhan said, "Of course, there would be question marks in our minds wherever we visited during our research and travels years ago. There was a question mark, we could answer this question mark in our own way, but we could not document it. Adıyaman Museum Director Mehmet Alkan helped to find out the pictures in 2018 Samsat Belören location. It's not something that was discovered all at once.



We examined the tables given with the lens in our hands for several days. We came, conducted field research and as a result, we found that the first village in the world was caves in the Kahta Stream galleon region. Inside these caves are the face painting that we attribute to Noah's wife, and there are sculptures of human face reliefs that we attribute to Noah's wife and children outside," he said.

Explaining that Noah was buried in a ship, the ship was buried in a tumulus and covered with stones, Duruhan said, “In the drawings in Samsat Belören, it is already shown that the ship where Noah was buried was buried in a tumulus and was covered with stones. In this context, of course, we know where this Tumulus is. Where is the highest point here? Tumulus of Nemrut also said that the King of Kommegane Antiochos was a sacred hill and even a divine figure erected in the name of the gods, he erected those statues there to appreciate his service. When we watch these with a skeptical eye, there is a picture of Noah's wife and himself, who were united with the Ark after the Flood, in the pictures of Noah's burial in the black drawings in Belören. It is seen in these rock drawings that Noah's Flood event was depicted twice, and then the Tumulus was preserved there under it. We just interpreted something that exists. The Nemrut Tumulus was covered with stones," he said














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